Tuesday, October 29, 2013


NaNoWriMo is nearly upon us.

Or, the almost easier way to type it: National Novel Writing Month! That's right, it's November.  

You may or may not know that I have signed up for this for the past two years.  For those unfamiliar (though, it's kind of a fad/trend, so you may all be familiar), it's where you sign up to write a novel during the month of November.  50,000 words.  You don't have to edit, proofread, etc. (all that comes after), you just write.  Which sounds easy.  But which is not.

The first year I entered, 2011, I was on track!  The first week, I was ahead of my goal with something like 12,000 words.  And then, I hit a wall.  A wall that I never got through, over, or around. Those 12,000 words were it for me.  Recently I came across them, and I still couldn't see a way out of the hole into which I'd written myself.  Oh well.  Failed attempt #1.

The second year was 2012, and I was motivated in October.  This was going to be the year.  THE YEAR, my friends.  And... I didn't even start.  Not one word flowed from my fingers to the virtual paper.  Oh well.  Failed attempt #2.

This year, 2013 is my third attempt.  And I'm excited-- I'm fully planning on at least starting something.  I already have ideas in my head (you can't start work on the actual novel until November 1st).  I'm not saying it's definitely going to happen this year, but they have always said that the third time is the charm.

I've got a story in mind that includes ghosts, paranormal investigators, a dog, a young woman, a young man, and romance.  So.  We'll see how that all goes.  If you see me around in November ask me how the novel is coming!  But, don't push it if I shoot you an evil look, it means I'm not doing well.  And don't be offended if I don't want to tell you about it-- a true writer, I hate talking about my own work! ;)

If you're attempting NaNoWriMo, leave me a comment and let me know!  Maybe we can be writing buddies.

Anyway, NaNoWriMo (that really IS annoying/difficult to type), I'm [hopefully] coming for you!


  1. I've heard of this but never tried it - maybe this will be my year...? ;)

  2. Good luck with NaNoWrimo this year. I hope you succeed. I have won two years in a row and I'm hoping that this isn't the year I fail.

    1. Thanks! Good luck to you as well! :)

    2. I'm not sure there is a "fail" really. The year I didn't "win" I got 24k words I'd never have got otherwise.

      This year I'm not even trying - I'm going to edit instead. But I'll still be joining in the community which is more than half the fun!

  3. Stop reminding me that it's only in two days, gaaah. I don't have my novel plotted hardly at all! (I'm probably going to end up pantsing it again, like I did for Campnano this year.) Your novel sounds exciting :D

    The first year I attempted Nano was in '11 as well. I got 27k. Problem was that I had plotted only 13 chapters, but I didn't realize that I wrote only about 1.5-2k per chapter. Last year, I only got 10k because my computer died during the first week of Nanowrimo. However, I won JuneNoWriMo, and this year I won JulNoWrimo, so I *know* I can do it...

    We should totally be writing buddies. I like you. XD

    1. You can definitely do it! I haven't plotted much out, except in my head, so we'll see how that ends up going, haha.

      Yes, let's be writing buddies! :D Can't believe it starts in two days now!

  4. I'll be rooting for you! I love the ideas you're starting with.

    And no, you don't have to tell us what's happening in your novel, the joy of Nanowrimo is that you can just tell us the word count!

    1. Oooh, I like that. Good point! Also, thank you! :D
